The /tƐmz/ Review

Submission Guidelines

The /tƐmz/ Review is currently open to submissions.
The /tƐmz/ Review: Issue 27 Prose New Submission
The /tƐmz/ Review: 845 Press Chapbooks New Submission
About The /tƐmz/ Review

A literary journal based in London, Ontario.

Submission Guidelines for The /tƐmz/ Review

The /tƐmz/ Review is a literary journal based in London, Ontario that publishes fiction, poetry, and reviews. We publish 4 issues per year (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter), and we focus on publishing work from a diverse range of emerging and established voices. Our goal is to reflect a wide variety of editorial perspectives and publish an eclectic mix of writing.

We are currently on a 3-month cycle for journal issues, with the first two months open for submissions and the third month closed while we finalize the issue. If you discover we're closed when you want to submit, you won't need to wait long before we reopen.

We welcome simultaneous submissions, provided you notify us and/or withdraw a piece that is accepted for publication elsewhere.


We publish prose (fiction and creative non-fiction) up to 10,000 words long. We will consider pieces longer than 10,000 words, but they need to earn their length.

We pay $20 per piece.

If your piece is longer than 1000 words, please submit only one piece. If your pieces are fewer than 1000 words each, feel free to submit several pieces at once.

Please submit only once per reading period.

We are looking for innovative short fiction from diverse voices. Our preference is for the strange, the experimental and the boundary-pushing, but we are open to a wide range of styles and voices.


We accept submissions of 1-8 poems, depending on the length of the poems.

We prefer poetry submissions to be 10 pages or fewer. You can certainly send us longer submissions, particularly if you are submitting a long poem, but longer submissions need to earn their length.

We pay $20 per batch of poems we publish.

Our preference is for innovative verse that pushes the boundaries of poetry, but we are open to a wide range of styles and voices.

Please submit only once per reading period.


We do not accept reviews submitted through Moksha. If you are interested in writing a review for us, please query us first at thetemzreview[at]gmail[dot]com. We are interested in reviews of Canadian small press titles and of works in translation.

The /tƐmz/ Review is currently open to submissions.
The /tƐmz/ Review: Issue 27 Prose New Submission
The /tƐmz/ Review: 845 Press Chapbooks New Submission